Just last September, we got the most ambitious and complete solo album from Seattle artist SassyBlack, Ancient Mahogany Gold. Just when you might start wondering how she might follow up such a project, SassyBlack comes back with a Valentine’s Day EP, iBeBae.

SassyBlack has always made an intimate style of R&B/Hip Hop, one that made use of warm, layered vocals and smooth bass lines. That is to say that it wasn’t much of a stretch for SassyBlack to make an EP devoted to romance. That said, it’s not like this is unwelcome. Far from it, in fact. On this EP, SassyBlack will set the mood over the course of five songs that are just silky smooth and sexy. The combination of her gentle croon and the rich layering of those vocals set the tone for a very personal listening experience, as she lays out her own romantic desires. Her compositions start out simple and build to a climax, and she takes her time and lets them develop and unfold at their own pace. The whole thing comes together really nicely to form a real mood setter. It’s something that should be handled with the greatest of care, because iBeBae is strictly for the grown and sexy.

A Valentine’s Day EP might not be the biggest stretch for someone like SassyBlack, but at the end of the day, does anyone really care? She just gave you the best album of her career, and now you have five slow-burning sexy R&B tracks to get you to where you need to go. Who’s mad at that?