Miss Eaves is the Brooklyn artist who burst onto the scene back in 2017, when she released her album Feminasty, with the single, “Thunder Thighs.” Since that time, we’ve gotten a few single and EPs, including MEAF and Sad, which came out in April of last year. Now she’s back with four new anthems for your summer on How It Is.

How It Is is exactly what you want out of a Miss Eaves EP right now. On one hand, sure it would be cool if we got a new full-length album at some point where she had more room to take some risks and try out some different styles or whatnot, but on the other hand, this summer sucks and I would love some dessert, this time in the form of Miss Eaves sing-alongs. Working with producer Rich Matthew, we get some amped up electro-pop/hip hop, songs that will sound great when crank up our stereos and dance with our neighbors from a safe distance. On the lyrical side of things, Miss Eaves is giving you her trademark awkward, quirky humor combined with some societal critiques. This might be a song about how people are rude enough to ask if she’s pregnant, making her self-conscious about her belly, which she then flips into an anthem about reclaiming that belly in “Belly Bounce.” It might also be an anthem for the 40-and-under crowd, “3 jobs,” which breaks down the ways in which (Fuck you, boomers) the gig economy and general devaluing of labor has left an entire generation constantly working and hustling to make ends meet. It might also just be a silly self-critique, though, such as “Cactus Killer,” which is literally about the struggle to keep a houseplant alive.

You want something fun that you can sing along to while you dance out your frustrations with the world? Miss Eaves has you covered with How It Is.