Back in October of 2018, we got the debut album from Danger Grove, the collaboration between Ottawa artist Jesse Dangerously and Colorado producer Lizard Grove, which was titled Want, For Nothing. Now before the years end, they have given us something of a companion EP, Want, For Want, of Wanting.

This is not the most typical EP, in that this is not just a collection of five songs that didn’t make the album, or anything like that. Instead, we get a couple of new songs, several remixes, and short interludes in between. As a result, the EP comes across more like a B-Sides and Rarities compilation. It’s not the finished product that Want, For Nothing was, but if you were a fan of the album, this EP feels like a look behind the curtain, getting a peek at a creative session where different ideas are being thrown at the wall and they are seeing what sticks. To be clear, there’s nothing bad on the EP, it’s just that it’s a little more muddled and experimental than the album as the duo tries out different ideas and styles and beats and voices. It won’t be for everyone, but if you’re not afraid to get your hands a little dirty, there’s a lot of interesting musical ideas to sort through. That could mean anything from a humorous song like “Graveyard Smash,” or a remix of the moving tale in “Coming Out Wrong.”

Want, For Want, of Wanting EP won’t be for everyone, just because it is a little bit of a challenging and messy listening experience. For those that aren’t afraid to get weird with it, though, the treasures await you.